Basic WordPress SEO Tips for Beginners

These basic WordPress SEO tips can help you get your site ranked higher in Google. A higher ranking means traffic, which can mean the difference between a site that thrives, and one that falls into obscurity.

27% of all active sites on the internet are built with WordPress. This website platform has become very popular for being incredibly easy to use. Anyone can create a website today in minutes using WordPress.

As a platform, WordPress also comes with hundreds of built-in Search Engine Optimization features. These features make it easy to rank your site high on search engines.  However, to take advantage of these features you need to configure WordPress correctly.

There are also several SEO plugins that can help take your site’s optimization to the next level. These WordPress plugins come with many settings, some of which can be a little too technical for a beginner. So let’s cover some of the most basic WordPress SEO tips to get you started.

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